

Anna, smiling, welcomes me to her house in Empordà. We have tea and talk about life, the house and her professional journey. She studied Audiovisual Communication at Pompeu, but is an actress by vocation. The house, an idyllic and bohemian place, has its own identity, with furniture and paintings which tell their own history. Here, it seems that time has stopped to be able to enjoy, breathe and meditate. It is her place of refuge, anchorage after so many trips she has to make, and where she recovers the energy to prepare for a new role.

Your career path to becoming an actress. How did the opportunity come about?
The beginnings are always complicated in any profession, but even more so in an artistic one, since, at least in my case, I had no close reference to find a clue. While studying at university, I signed up for all the acting courses I could, and in one of these I had as a teacher the actress Roser Batalla who had worked with the theater company Dagoll Dagom. After a few months, she suggested that I present myself at a casting organized by the company and, I was taken. Since then, I was lucky enough to chain jobs and learn the trade from the stage.
Your experience in the theatre and movies world. Which one do you prefer?
I can’t imagine my life without the theatre, it’s like the space where I learned everything, like the house you always come back to and which continues to connect you instantly with the public. But cinema had always been my dream since childhood and it has been my goal for years. Last fall I shot my first film and I hope there are many more to come. As an artist, I always need to renew challenges and go towards unknown things, not stay with what I already know how to do. And cinema now opens up new possibilities for me to continue learning and communicating in another language.
You have lived in the city, and now you are living in the Empordà, an idyllic place for artists, travellers… What does this change mean for you?
It has been an important decision, a beautiful and personal bet to live in such an inspiring place. I recognize that it is a privilege. My work is linked to uncertainty, having different schedules and never planning on the long term; being constantly in motion. This allows me to work in different places and not having the need to live in the city every day or go to the same office to work. And I love the city! But I already ‘city’ doses when I have to shoot or be in the theatre play. The pandemic made it even clealer to me, and even though you assume that you will have to travel and go up and down, the moments when you are at home you value them more than ever and they are so worth it.
How do you prepare for a new role?
It depends on the project. I try to be quite methodical within the chaos that involves a creative process. A basic first step is to analyze and understand the text. I also love reading, watching films or series related to the historical context, setting myself in a certain era or character. And above all, to study the text obsessively in order to have it so integrated that I can feel free from it when interpreting it. You got to do a lot of preliminary work and rehearsals with colleagues so that things flow later on stage.
What are the difficulties you have encountered in this world of artists? How did you overcome them?
I always say that this trade is a cross-country race and you need to be patient, go little by little, and don’t expect immediate results. It is often necessary to take risks without knowing what will happen. Your mental management of successes, but especially failure is essential if you want a long and healthy career. You test yourself constantly on all levels, because you work from your heart, give your soul to each character and bring your vulnerability as a human being to the table. For me it’s the only way to do it. It is not a matter of ego or appearances. If you want to go to a deeper level you have to learn not to pay too much attention to the noise around you and be true to your essence. And never stop trusting.
Your favourite roles? Where can we see you now?
Many characters have marked me. My favourites are those that have allowed me to take another step as an actress, and that has allowed me to surprise myself. It’s funny, it’s a job where you always learn things about yourself that you didn’t know, and you’re usually the one teaching yourself the lesson. And this is very beautiful and exceptional. It is also very important that they allow you to do different roles, many producers and directors propose a character that they have seen you do before, and I am always very grateful when they go for something different. For example, it happened to me with Mirta, a character I played in the Netflix series Hache. She was a heroin addict singer, tortured by her past, very lost and enigmatic. It made me go to places very different from myself and I enjoyed it.
You can currently see me on Mondays until 14th of March at the Condal theatre in Barcelona with a very special play for me that has taken me to perform in cities such as Buenos Aires and Catania in recent years: You say tomato.
¿El teu recorregut vocacional per ser actriu. Com et va sortir l’oportunitat?
Els inicis sempre són complicats en qualsevol professió, però en una artística encara més, ja que, almenys en el meu cas, no tenia cap referent proper on trobar alguna pista. Mentre estudiava a la universitat, m’apuntava a tots els cursos d’interpretació que podia, i en un d’aquests vaig tenir com a professora l’actriu Roser Batalla que havia treballat amb la companyia de teatre Dagoll Dagom. Al cap d’uns mesos, ella em va suggerir que em presentés a un càsting que organitzava la companyia i em van agafar. Des d’aleshores vaig tenir la sort d’anar encadenant feines i aprendre l’ofici des de l’escenari.
¿La teva experiència en el món del teatre i pelicules. Què en prefereixes?
No em puc imaginar la meva vida sense el teatre, és com l’espai on ho he après tot, com la casa on sempre tornes i que et continua connectant d’una manera directa amb el públic. Però el cinema sempre havia estat el meu somni des de petita i fa anys que és el meu objectiu. La tardor passada vaig rodar la meva primera pel·lícula i espero que en vinguin moltes més. Com a artista necessito sempre renovar els reptes i anar cap a coses desconegudes, no quedar-me amb el que ja sé fer. I el cinema ara m’obre noves possibilitats per continuar aprenent i comunicant des d’un altre llenguatge.
¿Has viscut a la ciutat, i ara estàs vivint a l’Empordà, un lloc idíl·lic per a artistes, viatgers.. Què suposa per a tu aquest canvi?
Ha estat una decisió molt important, una aposta molt bonica i personal de viure en un lloc inspirador. Reconec que és un privilegi. La meva feina va lligada a la incertesa, a tenir horaris diferents i mai planificar a llarg termini, a estar en constant moviment. Això em permet treballar a llocs diferents i no tenir la necessitat de viure cada dia a la ciutat o anar a la mateixa oficina a treballar. I mira que m’encanta la ciutat! Però ja en tinc dosis quan em toca rodar o estar al teatre. La pandèmia encara m’ho va fer veure més clar i, tot i que assumeixes que hauràs de viatjar i anar amunt i avall, els moments quan estàs a casa els valores més que mai i valen molt la pena.
Com et prepares per a un nou rol?
Depèn del projecte. Intento ser bastant metòdica dins del caos que implica un procés creatiu. Un primer pas bàsic és analitzar i entendre el text. També m’encanta llegir, veure pel·lícules o sèries relacionades amb el context històric, ambientar-me en una època o un personatge determinat. I sobretot estudiar el text de manera fins i tot obsessiva per tal de tenir-lo tan integrat que em pugui sentir lliure d’ell a l’hora d’interpretar-lo. Cal fer molt treball previ i assajos amb els companys perquè després les coses flueixin.
Quines són les dificultats que t’has trobat en aquest món d’artistes? Com les has superat?
Sempre dic que aquest ofici és una carrera de fons, cal tenir paciència, anar a poc a poc, i no esperar resultats immediats. Sovint és necessari arriscar-se sense saber què passarà. La teva gestió mental dels èxits, però sobretot dels fracassos és fonamental si vols una carrera llarga i sana. Et poses a prova a tots nivells constantment, perquè treballes des del teu cor, entregues la teva ànima amb cada personatge i poses sobre la taula la teva vulnerabilitat com a ésser humà. Per mi és l’única manera de fer-ho. No és una qüestió d’ego ni d’aparences. Si vols anar a l’arrel profunda has d’aprendre a no fer massa cas del soroll que t’envolta i ser fidel a la teva essència. I mai deixar de confiar.
Els teus rols favorits? On et podem veure actualment?
Hi ha molts personatges que m’han marcat. Els meus preferits són aquells que m’han permès fer un pas més com a actriu, que m’han permès sorprendre’m a mi mateixa. És curiós, és una feina en què sempre après coses de tu que no sabies, i ets tu mateixa la que normalment et dones la lliçó. I això és molt bonic i excepcional. També és molt important que et donin l’oportunitat de fer rols diferents, molts productors i directors et proposen un personatge que ja t’han vist fer abans, i sempre estic molt agraïda quan aposten per una cosa diferent. Per exemple em va passar amb la Mirta, un personatge que interpretava a la sèrie de Netlfix Hache. Era una cantant heroïnòmana, torturada pel seu passat, molt perduda i enigmàtica. Em va fer anar a llocs molt diferents de mi mateixa i el vaig gaudir molt.
Actualment em podeu veure els dilluns fins el 14 de març el teatre Condal de Barcelona amb una obra de teatre molt especial per mi i que m’ha portat a actuar per ciutats com Buenos Aires o Catània en els darrers anys: You say tomato.

Anna is a huge fan of our clothes and fabrics, and she is wearing some of our NOD COLLECTIONS designs.


‘NOD’ means ‘CORE’. NOD comes from a person who studied architecture, develops interior design projects and designs fashion clothes. So, this magazine is the core for other creative people, who want to share their work or ideas and inspire their community.

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