Who is Laura Ferreres?
Architect, ceramic designer and mother. I consider myself a person open to the world, determined, creative and driven in my things.
From architecture to ceramics. How do you combine them?
I am passionate about architecture. I think it is a very beautiful profession, even though it is very hard, that sometimes asks you to stop and take a breath… and you are taking a break, you connect with other disciplines. This is how ceramics appeared in my life. For me ceramics has been and continues to be a refuge, my little space to breathe and relax, having an idea in mind and being able to materialize it from scratch with my hands. It seems incredible to me that I can do what I do with this material.
Your first pieces and now.
My first piece was a bright yellow vase that I remember and keep with a lot of love. Since then, I had a craving interest in the world of crockery, plates, bowls, cups, teacups. I couldn’t stop thinking about shapes, colors and everhthing else. I tried various forms until I felt comfortable with a very natural, organic and completely handmade and artisanal style..
Profession, motherhood, and hobby. How did you combine all of these?
Prioritizing my children above all else, I work hard every day (hopefully I enjoy doing it) and try to squeeze in as much time as possible to hit the beach with my surfboard, play volleyball with friends or simply walking with bare feet by the sea. Living near the beach renews me, heals me and makes me feel alive.
I think that personal space is as important as being able to count on the people you love at any time.
Describe your ceramic line/style.
I would describe it as a very natural style, not at all perfectionist and 100% handmade. All the pieces are unique, each one with its impurities and enamelled in very neutral and earthy colors. I really like working with clay with chamotte and different shades.
Your favorite piece/collection.
If I had to pick one piece, I’d pick the latte mug! I guess because it’s the piece I generally like the most or get asked to give as a gift on any special occasion, although I have a special appreciation for all of them. Others personalized dessert plates are also my favourites and they get picked move every time by my customers!
Where can we see your work?
For now I have my base camp on Instagram (@laura.ferreres).I’m in the process of creating a website and make my artistic work more visible and be able to reach all kinds of audiences ?

¨…em considero una persona oberta al món, decidida, creativa i cap quadrada en les meves coses.¨

Arquitectura i ceràmica
L’arquitectura m’apassiona, trobo que és una professió boniquíssima tot I que molt dura, que de vegades et demana de parar i agafar aire, i en aquest agafar aire I connectar amb altres disciplines va aparèixer la ceràmica. Per mi la ceràmica ha sigut I continua sent un refugi, el meu petit espai per respirar i relaxar-me, tenir una idea en ment i poder-la materialitzar des de zero amb les mans em sembla increïble.
Les teves peces. Abans i ara
La meva primera peça va ser un gerro d’un groc llampant que recordo i guardo amb molt d’amor, des de llavors va començar tot un interès amb el món de les vaixelles, plats, bols, tasses, tassetes, no podia parar de pensar en formes, colors, etc. Fins que em vaig sentir còmode amb un estil molt natural, orgànic i fet totalment a mà i de manera artesanal.
Arquitecta, mare i hobby. Com t’ho fas?
Prioritzant per sobre de tot els meus fills, treballo de valent cada dia (amb la sort del fet que gaudeixo fent-ho) i intento treure totes les estonetes possibles per sortir a la platja amb la taula del surf, jugar a vòlei amb amics o simplement caminar amb els peus descalços vora el mar. Viure prop de la platja em renova, em cura i em fa sentir viva.
Penso que l’espai personal és tan important com el fet de poder comptar amb la gent que estimes en qualsevol moment.
El teu estil:
El descriuria com un estil molt natural, gens perfeccionista i 100% artesanal. Totes les peces són úniques, cada una d’elles amb les seves impureses i esmaltades amb colors molt neutres i terrenals. M’agrada molt treballar amb fang amb xamota i de diferents tonalitats.
Peça favorita:
Si hagués d’escollir una peça, escolliria la tassa de cafè en llet, suposo perquè és la peça en general que més agrada o se’m demana per regalar en qualsevol ocasió especial, tot i que els hi tinc una estima especial a totes les altres. Els platets de postres personalitzats són també un tret segur i encertat sempre!
On et trobem:
Ara per ara tinc el meu campament base a Instagram (@laura.ferreres). En un futur m’agradaria crear una pàgina web i fer més visible la meva feina de vessant més artística i poder arribar a tota mena de públic. Ens veiem en algun taller? T’apuntes?

Laura is a huge fan of our clothes and fabrics, and she is wearing NOD COLLECTIONS designs.


‘NOD’ means ‘CORE’. NOD comes from a person who studied architecture, develops interior design projects and designs fashion clothes. So, this magazine is the core for other creative people, who want to share their work or ideas and inspire their community.

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