‘LA INOCENCIA’ Spring Summer Campaign 2020
‘The innocence’ project reveals the unexperienced path that one might take on a creative journey. The concept based on the ludic idea, where experiments are allowed and are part of the process, let me explore the elegant sculptures of Barbara Hepworth, the summertime in Mallorca, the Sou Fujimoto pavilion in Naoshima Island combined with the delicate spring flower blossom.
The whole collection is a transition from elegant and playful forms and colours to minimal and empowering ones. The wild silk presented as the main character and introduced into this ludic scene has a dual concept: being naive and oniric, but also to empower by its stiffness and slightly bright texture. Elements like organza dots are subtle details made to enforce this ludic playground where the Arc dress and the Sun skirt are the main characters.
This collection is also a personal projection of my universe and my innocent desire of stepping into the fashion world. This naive perception represented by the colourful scheme is in contrast with the actual reality perceived as elitist, tough and hard to penetrate as the wild silk indicates.
Dana Ulea, designer of NOD COLLECTIONS